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Saturday, July 17, 2010

something interesting

Hi I am Chathurika. just 21 years old and eargely waiting for the campus latter these days. I don't think I have always achieved what I want, because If I have achieved something so far that is because of my loving parents' pursuasion. just like the entrance of campus. once I failed the first shy of A/L exam having W pass for my favourite subject English Literature, simultaneously having "A" and "B" passess for the Logic and Japanese respectively. I didn't want to sit for so called exam again, because I thought I can spend comfortable life without A/L. To some extend I was right while to some extend I was wrong, because in Sri Lanka A/L is the least qualification to have a satisfied job. since I am not very clever in studies at all I can't even think of doing a degree like CIMA, CIM or HRM etc which my parents wanted. so when I was left with no option, I decided to try on my A/Ls again. even though I didn't work hard for this time I was so tensed about English Literature. I was always wondering what will happen if I failed it again, how will I face my parents, relations, friends and most difficult neighbours. I was so confused about those things, because we are living in a society where women get more attention every thing they failed than men. being a sibling of a brother and a sister who are clever in studies than me I had to listen their advices and preaching as well. my younger sister who is like a very close friend to me always encouraged me just like my mother while my brother was keeping mum about the matter. Simultaneously my loving friends Udari, Shalini, Pamodha, Nuwanthi and Hasanthika who successfully completed the A/L from their first shy did their best to encourage me by helping me in numours ways. at last the exam date came and went to write my first subject with out any feeling. I finished my A/L by writing my Literature paper. I spent three months with out any tension till the date the results will be released. I can never forget that day, where I got to know the progress of my hard work. I still can remember how tensed I was, so curious to know about my results that I delayed it till evening. may be around 6.30pm. Some of my friends who did A/L with me in second time had already got to know about their results. among them some were lamenting while some were rejoicing over their success. All of them compeled me to see my results, but I was so tensed when I came to know that both Udari and Madusha who repeated A/L with me had failed the damn subject Literature. When all of them, even my parents were asking my index number, some how I managed to ignore them and kept mum saying that I'm afraid, I can't. One of my friends, Thanuja called me more than five times asking my index number. At last when I was sick of, I gave her my number, saying that "If I'm failed don't call me just send me a text." Just after five minutes the phone rang and there was Thanuja on the other side. I was trembling and sweating while my friend's voice was very friendly than ever, she suddenly started " hey buddy, please smile, this time you have done a great job. come on Chathu don't be scared you have got A,B and S. "S" for L iterature". once I heard it I was so elated that I hang up the phone even without thanking my friend. I ran towards my mother who was also so curious to know about my results, hugged her and said the good news. After that I phoned my father who was with my sister in British Council as she had class this very day and said him my results. At last my brother came home at around 7.30pm and gave him the news as well. While I was dialing to my so called five friends to convey this message I didn't forget to thank Thanuja as well. All of my family members and friends were so happy that day. Finally I achieved something precious in my life for the sake of my parents. For me this is something interesthing.


  1. life is incredible... never give up any thing with out a try................

  2. Nice story..Now you have oppened doors to the broder knowledge.. get the maximum of it.. best of luck..

  3. Wow...that's amazing, you know. Your story just proves my theory that you should never ever give up, not even when it's the hardest thing in the world to do.

    Well done, Chathurika!
